Tolerance: Symbiosis in Nature

ValueDemocratic & Societal
OverviewDuring this activities the children will learn more about symbiotic relationships in nature and understand the importance of diversity
Learning objectives• Learn about symbiosis in the plant and animal world • Understand why tolerance is important for a harmonious symbiosis • Embrace diversity
Skills developed• Understanding the value of being different • Encourage tolerance in our daily actions
MethodObservation / Explanation / Dialogue
MaterialsPictures of unconventional friends in nature, paper and pen
Step 1:
The facilitator shows the children different resources* of unconventional friends in nature (e.g., pollinators and flowers, animals, sea creatures, etc.) and asks the children to describe them and classify them in 3 groups : “together”, “helping each other”, “against each other” (20 minutes).
Step 2:
The facilitator introduces the term “symbiosis” and asks the children  to guess what it means. Afterwards, they explain what are the 3 major symbiotic relationships in nature (mutualism, parasitism, commensalism) (30 minutes).
Step 3:
The facilitator asks the children to imagine applying these 3 types of relationships on people and asks them to write an example (e.g., I help X with their Maths homework and in return X helped me with my Literacy homework à mutualism) (20 minutes).
Step 4:
The facilitator collects the papers, picks one randomly and discusses it with the children, focusing on the value of tolerance and mutual respect (30 minutes).
* See Additional Materials listed below
** This activity has been adapted from this OER created by Sanayya Sohail.
TipsAdditional materialsHow to apply online?What to do at home?
This activity can take place outdoors when working with small groups.    
Additional material:
Resources for lesson planning:   Symbiotic relationships resources:                
How to apply it online?
Same method can be used online.      
What to do at home?
Same method can be used at home.
AuthorM. V. Kokota (CSI)
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