ELVE Network

Welcome to ELVE Network!


If you are a professional in early childhood and primary education who thinks that environmental education or education for sustainable development should be a reality in the classroom and, furthermore, you know that education is the most powerful asset you can use to change the world… You have to be part of the ELVE NETWORK!

What is ELVE Network?

Project Partners promote the development of the ELVE network to increase the project outreach and raise the awareness of using environmentally and inclusive approaches in preschools and primary schools supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals the blueprint to reach a better and more sustainable future for all.

The proposed network will promote the establishment of sustainable links related to Environmental Learning based on Values Education between organisations active in education, training, youth and sport and the society at large, including at local and regional level.

What am I going to find on the ELVE Network?

Resources to put in practice the environmental education with kids based on a values approach. Classroom activities, news, reports, case-studies, good-practices, open dialogs, exchange of resources in your language and English and … a large number of people who, like you, want to improve the world we inhabit.

How to participate?

Join ELVE Facebook profile where you will find posts with topics of interest in English and also in your language animated by ELVE partners. It is easy, it is funny and it is needed.

The world needs teachers committed to caring for planet earth! Fill out this questionnaire  and become part of the ELVE NETWORK. Together we are stronger.

Click here to fill out the registration form and become part of the change!