Environmental Learning based on Values Education from Early Childhood

Project Partners

Asociación Mundial de Educadores Infantiles (AMEI-WAECE)

The World Association of Early Childhood Educators was born as the result of meetings among professionals of the field from different countries during the First International Conference on Early Childhood Education held in 1991 in Vitoria, Spain. During this meeting, the need for contacts and exchange of experiences among educators around the world became evident.

The early childhood professionals that met there came to the conclusion that although there were already several international organizations with education or underprivileged children as their main objective, there were no organizations that effectively supported the classroom teacher in his/her daily work and that there was a clear need for this support. At the time of its inception, these were the basic objectives of the association:

  • To make it possible for every child under six years of age to exercise his right to an early educational service, to fully develop his capabilities, personal criteria, moral and social responsibility, according to article 7 of the Declaration on Child Rights of the United Nations Organization.
  • Provide the members of WAECE with as much information and training as possible on the trends and latest research work in the field of early education.
  • To help educators from around the world to make contact with each other.
  • To make the international community aware of the importance of this age group.

The bylaws of the Association were approved on May 20, 1992, and the Association was registered as a movement for the pedagogical renovation of early childhood in the Ministry of Education of Spain, where the headquarters were established.


CSI – Centre for Social Innovation Ltd.

Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization which focuses on fostering social innovation that can bring about a positive change to local, national, regional and global contexts. CSI belief is that the four pillars of Social Interaction, Education, Development and Economic Rationalization coupled with fundamentally sound and sustainable solutions as well as disruption to streamlined solutions to systemic social problems can lead to creative solutions that impact significant change to the social fabric of every society.

CSI is working closely to address market, social, economic and cultural challenges with governments, local administrative agencies, non for profit agencies, commercial entities, and educational institutions. We identify and address systemic challenges through evidence based research, state of the art investigation of global, national, regional and local solutions, developing solutions by taking into consideration the local ecosystem, cultural dynamics, meet the stakeholders’ needs and implementing those solutions as we keep constant vigilance to ensure continual feedback loop and adjustments.

The feedback mechanisms and processes we employ allow us certainty in keeping in touch with our stakeholders and continually update our social solutions proposition. CSI team is composed of open-minded, fully equipped researchers, educators, VET Trainers, social entrepreneurs, project managers, trainers and Information Technology Developers.

CSI encompasses the capability and capacity to identify social needs, design and implement adjusted initiatives and projects and provide for sustainable growth. The areas of expertise are in the fields of Vocational Education and Training, labour market, rural sustainable development, education and e-learning, social entrepreneurship, project management, project evaluation services, product validation, and training.


Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI)

The Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI) is an institute for scientific research and the center for e-learning at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) as part of the Faculty of Philosophy.

An interdisciplinary team of around 30 scientists in the field of the humanities and technological sciences, research and develop digital, media-supported learning methods for people of all age groups, from school children to seniors. Together with a large network of European and national partners the ILI realizes relevant projects and offers services, consulting and know-how transfer.


Innovation Training Center, S.L.

Innovation Training Center (ITC) is a training and consultancy organization based in Palma de Mallorca who offers a wide range of services regarding innovative materials to promote innovation in learning, tutoring, mentoring and support to training and education organisations. We are based in PARC BIT (ParcBit, Parc balear d’innovació tecnològica, a specific park to promote innovation and training in ICT for children and young people, adults, migrants, companies and SMEs.

Our consolidation and experience has allowed us to create our own R&D department for the development and implementation of our own technological and innovation projects. We have worked in the field of Early Childhood Care and Education since 2015. Our interdisciplinary team of 4 experts has participated and managed a wide range of R&D projects and has built an intensive networking experience with various private and public organisations: governmental institutions, technology centers and public research organizations at local, regional, national, European and international level.


Petit Philosophy (Udruga Mala filozofija)

Mala filozofija is an NGO who is specialized in developing various educational materials based on critical thinking. One of the main aims of our Association is to promote and implement critical thinking in formal and non-formal education. Also, we encourage, promote and develop critical thinking in children, youth and adults through argumentation and communication skills, encourage informal education to provide innovative and accessible ways of learning, promote and develop volunteering and international cooperation of NGOs and other institutions, and raise the level of awareness of the need to apply the philosophy in practice in order to develop civil society.

In order to achieve our aims we organize seminars, lectures, conferences and public forums in the field of education sector, philosophy with children, critical thinking, encourage activism in the local community, promoting civic initiatives, public information, individuals and groups about the possibilities through NGOs and the creation of citizens’ initiatives and the realization of common interest.



STePS was established in 2013 and is operating in Bologna. STEPS relies on the skills of a group of 6 experts with a thorough experience in the field of European Programmes that have been covering Education and Training (Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus+, FP7, H2020, Tempus, Interreg, etc.). STePS works nationally and internationally to promote educational research, reflection and rethinking of traditional learning approaches (including informal and non-formal learning). The activities are centered on the joint development and pioneering of innovative training resources aligned with the most pressing pedagogical concerns.

STePS elaborates and manages demand-driven projects aiming at the empowerment of individuals through personalised, collaborative and participative forms of learning. STePS has an extensive experience in educational projects that foster a pluralistic, democratic and sustainable community. STePS regularly promotes and participates projects for teacher and educational professionals development and is connected to international networks as well as individual cultural and educational institutions. The teaching is delivered in a variety of ways: as learning communities, e-learning programmes, workshops, pilots and study visits.

STePS has been often involved in assessing and evaluating the quality management of a project, developing a wide expertise in evaluation, pedagogic development, valorisation plan.



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