A commitment for the future

Age6-9, 9-11
OverviewThe learning activity will convey the importance of making simple gestures "to save the world". From a very young age, children need to understand that they too can play an active role in protecting our planet and that they can make their own contribution starting with small everyday gestures. The activity aims to help children understand the connection between the decisions they make and the actions they take. The aim is to make them understand how their actions affect the environment they live in. It is advisable to use initial readings to support the reflection phase.
Learning objectives1. Create awareness about personal responsibility towards oneself, the others and the natural world. 2. Foster the understanding of the value and the importance of natural resources we use daily, and learn ways of preserving them and avoiding waste. 3. Train memory.
Skills developed● Cognitive skills: ability to observe ● Transversal skills: ability to work in a team ● Manual skills
MethodGroup Work: Divide the class into groups of max. 4 children Engage students in dialogue. During dialogue, students have the opportunity to hear and consider new information, opinions, and questions.
MaterialsWhite cardboard, felt-tip pens or crayons, scissors to construct the memory cards with the children. Use pens or crayons to colour the cards and glue to fix the printed pictures (see annex) to the cardboards. The pictures in the annex are an example. Of course, you can also prepare your own cards. Memory* (to draw and build) *Memory is a popular children’s card game that requires concentration and memory, in which players have to match cards.
Activity 1 (preparatory)
● Divide the class into groups of 4 children. ● Prepare the memory cards matching them to sustainable daily habits (see annex).  
Activity 2
● Provide each group with a complete set of memory cards. ● Explain the rules of the game: Lay out the cards face down in rows forming a large rectangle on the table or floor. Make sure the cards are not touching each other. They need to be able to be flipped over without disturbing any cards around them. The player selects two cards and turns them over. If the two cards are a matching pair, then the player can take the two cards and start a stack. The player is awarded another turn for making a match and goes again. If the cards are not a match the cards are turned back over and it is now the next player’s turn.           ● Allow time for 2-3 rounds.  
Activity 3 (reflection phase)
● At the end of the game, bring the class together and ask the children to reflect on why the behaviours shown on the memory cards are important for nature. Set up a “question-answer” game: The facilitator will pose the question: e.g., is it healthier to ride a bike instead of driving a car? The children will be able to answer by raising their hands. The facilitator will repeat the answers aloud for everybody: e.g., because you don't pollute or because you get fresh air..! ● Take notes of the answers on the blackboard. ● After reflecting on the game together, ask the children some questions to further stimulate thinking about their lifestyle: What are my daily behaviours? Do I think my behaviour is ecological? What could I do to improve? ● Hand out "the heart of the pledge" and invite the children to make a personal commitment to the Earth to be kept throughout the month. Those who wish, can share their commitment with the class. Putting it in writing and displaying the pledges in a high-traffic area in the class, helps children to remember to take it seriously.
● Check the effect of the commitments after one month (follow up)
TipsAdditional materialsHow to apply online?What to do at home?
Additional Materials:
Recommended reading Ages 6-8: Ecology explained to children, Marco Rizzo, 2017 Ages 6-8: Little environmentalists grow up, Giulia Settimo, 2011 Ages 9-11: Stories for girls and boys who want to save the world, Carola Benedetto, 2019 Ages 3-7: 10 Things I Can Do to Help My World, Melanie Walch, 2012 * check if the books Remember that the memory game can be adapted to suit different age ranges. For older ages, the message to be conveyed can include more information about sustainability to reinforce certain concepts. Little children might need more time.   Sustainable education and practice should always be evolving with your children, your environment and you as a facilitator. Be a role model: Do you turn the taps off properly in class? Do you reuse the cardboard for play? Do you use a recycle bin with students? “Be the change you want to see in the world”. (Mahatma Gandhi)  
How to apply it online:
Online: there are several online memory  games for children. Online playing will train their cognitive skills along with their memory. were translated or insert suitable books published in your country.
AuthorNoemi Marchiotto and Svenja Pokorny

Picture for Memo

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